Work With Us

Services:  Fund Raising, Mergers & Acquisitions, New Markets, Board Advisory.

Our people are the lifeblood of our business. At Instaura, we believe in providing an open minded work culture, where our people achieve their pure potential. Our family members act as the best friends to our clients and provide deep support and the wherewithal to help build their enterprise with as much zeal as the Entrepreneurs themselves.

We are great believers in specialization and focus, because we recognize that by dedicating all our financial and human resources to a particular niche and then working on being the best in that niche, gives us a huge competitive advantage.

As you get to know Instaura, you will see that we typically build coherent, strong and enduring relationships with the world at large, an achievement of which we are particularly proud.

All in all, Instaura is a terrific place to work that will enable every member of the family grow and enjoy what they’re doing. Imagine a company where employees don’t just say they love their jobs, they mean it.



Quick links:  vision, mission, attitude.

Reality & Facts Based
Genuine, Ethical, Proactive
Simple & Humble
Entrepreneurial, Socially Responsible
Fast, Accurate, Excellent


The Laws we Follow

Quick links:  vision, mission, attitude.

1. Law of Pure Potentiality
2. Law of Giving
3. Law of Karma - Cause & Effect
4. Law of Least Effort
5. Law of Intention & Desire
6. Law of Detachment
7. Law of Dharma - Righteousness

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